Monday, May 26, 2008

Group Work.

Today, my group and I had a meeting for 2 hour and half starting from 2:45 till 5:00. During the meeting we did many things. First of all, I explained the finance spreadsheet for the group members. Also, we discussed what we have done for the presentation and the report. Moreover, we divided the work that we have to do for the presentation and the report between us.

At home, I worked on my part on presentation and the report. I did 5 points and I wrote my reflection about Auction experience. In addition, I wrote what I learnt from it and how it helped me to improve my skills. Furthermore, I wrote about the problem that faced us on the finance and how we deal with it. Also, I sent some points that I wrote yesterday to Aida.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

End Of Periad Four.

Today, we had meting with Sr.Tridib where he explains a gain the spredsheet for us. After that, I worked on it and make some correction. In addition, Shamah Falasi and I had a meting together from 3:5 till 3:58. We discussed what we have to do for the presentation and the report. Also, we read Tejari Presentation guidelines together step by step and make us understand each point and how we will do it.

At home, I tried to work on some of these points and found answers for them. Furthermore, I did some research for important information that will help us on the report and the presentation. In addition, I was online with Shamah Falasi taking about what each one of us can do about it and help each other on the research.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last Few Days

At thuresday:
-We has meeting for 15-20 minetes discussing the Auction processing; what we did, what we spent, our profit, the problems we face and what we have to do.

-Post new items for 100kg from LQB.

At Friday:
Working with Shamah Falasi in the Auction Discus and decided the new price for period4.
-Post new items for 100kg from LQB ( the last 1000kg LQB didn’t show on the Action so I had to post anther one for the same kg and price)

At Saturday:
Checking the email for any news.
-I worked on the spreadsheet
-Collocated what we spent on the last days and our profit
-Read the
Student Guide to Tejari Presentation and Portfolio Content and Tejari Project reviewed know what we have to do and have for the presentation.
-Discus with Shamah Falasi the post item problem that we had on Thursday and Friday and decided to send email to Jewed about it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday 21/5/2008.

Yesterday, I did the same what I did the day before. I worked on the worksheet and I calculated all the quantity that we have and want for period 4. Also, at home I worked with Shamah Falasi on the Auction until 12:30 pm.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Period Three.

Today is a really busy day for me and all my group members. First, I calculated the demands that are require to period three from us to buy. Also, I worked on the spreadsheet and I found that there are some mastics o it and I asked other group for help, then I re correct it again.

At 3:10, my group and I were having a meeting about the work, where there was an argued on it and about. We decided two things: first to divide the work, second is if we have worked to do, no one can be absent in this day, we finished at 3:28. Furthermore, Shamah Falasi and I were searching for the beans that we want to buy for this period. Moreover, Shamah and I sent emails to many of the retailers asking them about the quantity that we want from the High quality blends.

At the home I recalculated all what we spent and our profits from period 1 and tell know. Also, how match we bought and sell from the Low Quality blend. Until know Shamah and I still sending emails to them.

Monday, May 19, 2008

End Of Periad Two.

Today, Shamah and me were have many thinks to do. first of all, I went with her to Ms. Jaishree to aske her about the car that we have to buy, which we found one for only 13$!!!!! and it was surpriesed for her and us, for that we sent an emil to Sr.Tridib asking him about it.

Also, I collected the profite we get fro what we sell yestarday on the Acution and I worked on the spreadsheet to made some coretion on it. In addition, I post new Items for the Low Quality Blends on the Acution. Moreover, I sent emails to how bought from us our items for yesterday and the days befors.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Periad Two.

Today Sr.Tridib came to our class to explain the spreadsheet for us; we started from 11:50 and finished at 12:55. Then I started amending and reviewing all the accounts that I calculated on it to make sure every things is right. Also, I calculated all what we spent and the profit that we got from selling the Low Quality Blends for the preview days.

In addition, I calculate the new demand of beans that are required to buy. Also, I calculate the beans that are remain and How We sold from them. Finally, I consulted with Shamah Falasi on the quantities that we want to be dropped off for sale and their prices and she sent emails to the rest of the retailers to inform them about what we offer as a kind of marketing.